Monitoring Temperature and Humidity dht11 using arduino pro mini to Databse MySQL
first page is here Monitoring Temperature and Humidity dht11 using arduino pro mini to Databse MySQL
Welcome guys, here I’d like to share you about my project that is monitoring dht11 using arduino pro mini and sending the data to mysql.
First of all, you should prepare the components
The requirements are :
2. ESP8266
3. DHT 11
After preparing that components. You can wire using this step,
Before connecting the wire. You should know the pinout of esp8266, arduino pro mini, ams117, DHT11.
For wiring the cable you can follow this :
ESP 8266 to Arduino Pro Mini
ü Rx connect to pin 11 arduino
ü Tx connect to pin 10 Arduino
ü GND connect to GND
ü Vcc connect to 3.3 V output of AMS117(Pin 2) because pro mini doesn’t have 3.3v, I use regulator voltage ams117. so the wire will be like this. The ic 78xx is ic of AMS117. it just for describing the wire.
AMS117 to Arduino Pro mini
ü Vin to VCC arduino
ü GND to GND arduino
ü Vout to esp8266 VCC
DHT11 to Arduino
ü VCC to VCC Arduino (5V)
ü GND to GND arduino
ü Data (pin 2) to pin 12 Arduino
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